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Full NameDr Eimear Smith

Spinal Cord System of Care, National Rehabilitation Hospital

University College Dublin

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Research Fields
  • neuroscience and mental health
  • epidemiology/population health research
  • Other
Other Research Fields:

Patient & Public Involvement

Postgrad Medical Specialties
  • Medicine
  • Sports and Exercise Medicine
  • Rehabilitation Medicine
My Work

Telerehabilitation in Spinal Cord Injury
Patient & Public Involvement in pre-clinical spinal cord injury research
Validation of the international physical therapy-occupational therapy basic data set
Transitioning from paediatric to adult spinal cord injury services

Potential Projects

1. Fundamentals of spinal cord injury research in Ireland
Although, the National Rehabilitation Hospital (NRH) has participated in spinal cord injury (SCI) research for several years, there are a number of basic aspects of SCI research that have never been addressed. The NRH is a new research site of the UCD Clinical Research Centre. Prior to becoming actively involved in the UCD CRC, there are a number of preparatory measures to be put in place to help achieve better clinical research outcomes. These include
- Establishment of a research participant registry in adherence with European Data Protection legislation & in line with international best standards
- Research priority setting partnership involving people with SCI, academics & clinicians in Ireland
- A translational discussion & collaboration - with the 3 laboratories in Ireland currently conducting pre-clinical SCI research, all of which have limited engagement with clinical researchers or clinicians at present.
2. Women's Health in Spinal Cord Injury.
Issues related to women's health remain under researched globally. As part of a PhD, a number of areas could be examined including
- The experience & outcomes of pregnancy in women with SCI
- The experience of managing menstruation in women with SCI
- The uptake of cervical and breast screening among women with SCI
- Menopause management in women with SCI

Emerging Supervisor

Dr. Frances Shiely UCC - project 1
Prof. Fionnuala McAuliffe, UCD - proect 2

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