Supervisor Database Search

Guidance for ICAT Supervisors

The ICAT Supervisor list is reviewed annually by the partner universities and updated online in March/April each year.

You can read about the ICAT supervisor selection process and eligibility criteria below:

Terms of reference/guide to supervising ICAT Fellows.

You can read the terms of reference for supervisors actively supervising ICAT Fellows below:

Supervisor Database

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Full NameProf John D Ryan

Hepatology Unit

Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

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Research Fields
  • genetics, genomics and molecular biology
  • infectious disease and the immune system
  • physiology and non-communicable disease
Postgrad Medical Specialties
  • Medicine
Medical Subspecialties
  • Gastroenterology
My Work

The Hepatology Unit based in Beaumont Hospital, Dublin is closely aligned to the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland, and has strong research collaborative links with the Translational Gastroenterology Unit and the Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine at the University of Oxford, UK, amongst others. The main goal of our research is to continuously strive to improve care for patients with progressive liver disease through insightful research, with a focus on outcome prediction and stratification in a variety of conditions including cirrhosis, alcohol related liver disease, Haemochromatosis, and alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency.

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