Supervisor Database Search

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Full NameDr Sarah Doyle

Clinical Medicine

Trinity College Dublin

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Research Fields
  • genetics, genomics and molecular biology
  • infectious disease and the immune system
  • physiology and non-communicable disease
  • neuroscience and mental health
Postgrad Medical Specialties
  • Medicine
  • Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Paediatrics
  • Pathology
  • Public Health
Medical Subspecialties
  • Adolescent medicine
  • Dermatology
  • Geriatric Medicine
  • Infectious diseases
  • Immunology
  • Neonatology
  • Neurology
  • Vascular Medicine
My Work

Our research focuses on elucidating the signalling events that occur downstream of Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRRs) and the IL-1 receptor family of the innate immune system. These are the primary surveillance system for the detection of pathogens and immediate danger signals, and are crucial to the activation of host defence and maintenance of tissue homeostasis.

There are two main strands to our research:

1) The Paediatric Immune system: Investigating the altered innate immune response in neonates and children in response to infection. Research is funded by NCRC. Collaborations with OLCHC and Holles St
Recent publications:
Brennan, K. et al Cytokine, 119 (2019), 152-158
Brennan, K. et al The Journal of Immunology (2018), ji1700956

2) Investigating the inflammatory processes involved in progression of Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) and inherited retinopathy. Collaborations with TILDA, School of Biochemistry and Immunology, Dept. of Genetics and Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital. Research is funded by SFI, IRC, HRB and Fighting Blindness.
Examples of recent publications:
Ozaki, E. et al Life Science Alliance, 3, 5 (2020),
Mulfaul K. et al. Cell Reports, 30, 7 (2020), 2209-2224.e5
Hudson, N. et al JCI Insight, 4, 15 (2019),
Connolly E et al British Journal of Ophthalmology 102, 12 (2018) 1691 - 1695

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