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Full NameProfessor Sean Kennelly
Department of Medical Gerontology
Trinity College Dublin
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- infectious disease and the immune system
- neuroscience and mental health
- bioengineering/medical devices
- epidemiology/population health research
- clinical trials
- Medicine
- Psychiatry
- General Practice
- Public Health
- Community Medicine
- Dementia
- Endocrinology
- Geriatric Medicine
- Immunology
- Neuropsychiatry
The key research focus is brain health, cognitive decline, and dementia, but we have a wide-range of research projects ongoing in the department of age-related healthcare in Tallaght University Hospital, with colleagues in affiliated TCD campus. Research participants are recruited from clinical populations attending age-related and other specialty clinical services in TUH. The Memory Assessment and Support Service is a leading national service for early-onset, mildly symptomatic, and atypical dementia diagnosis and therapy. It supports investigator-led and industry sponsored clinical trials for emerging AD treatments. The application of digital gait and speech analysis as objective markers of cognitive performance is a further area of research interest.
Current studies underway in collaboration with other TUH and TCD co-investigators:
1. ENBIND study (Emerging Novel Biomarkers of Neurodegeneration in Diabetes) - Immunophenotyping, cognitive, and gait biomarkers of cognitive decline in midlife type 2 diabetes.
2. VINCI-AD study- Investigating feasibility and efficacy of Transcutaneous-vagal nerve stimulation in people with mild cognitive impairment due to Alzheimer's disease
3. NH-COVAIR study- COVID 19 in Nursing Home Residents: Predicting Disease Severity, Outcomes and Anti-Viral Immune responses
4. GAITkeeper Study- validation of novel AI based gait analysis system
5. Clinical trials centre for international AD treatment studies