Supervisor Database Search

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The ICAT Supervisor list is reviewed annually by the partner universities and updated online in March/April each year.

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Terms of reference/guide to supervising ICAT Fellows.

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Full NameDr Gerard O'Keeffe

Anatomy and Neuroscience

University College Cork

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Research Fields
  • cell and developmental biology/regenerative medicine
  • neuroscience and mental health
Postgrad Medical Specialties
  • Psychiatry
  • Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  • Paediatrics
Medical Subspecialties
  • Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
  • Neurology
  • Neuropsychiatry
  • Physiology
My Work

Our central aim is to understand the factors important for brain health across the life-span in order to translate this information into new molecular therapies for neuroprotection and neuroregeneration. We are also interested in the molecular cross-talk between the brain and other physiological systems including the role of immune and placenta signals in regulating brain development.

Many of the molecular signals that are active during development can be utilised as therapies to protect the aging brain, so we also aim to use new understanding of molecular signalling to design and develop new therapies for neuroprotection in old age. We use an integrated approach that combines cell biology and bioinformatics approaches with in vivo modelling through to studies in humans. For selected examples of the types work see below.

O’Driscoll DJ, Felice VD, Kenny LC, Boylan GB, O'Keeffe GW. Mild prenatal hypoxia-ischemia leads to social deficits and central and peripheral inflammation in exposed offspring. Brain Behav Immun. 2018 Mar;69:418-427.

Straley ME, Van Oeffelen W, Theze S, Sullivan AM, O'Mahony SM, Cryan JF, O'Keeffe GW. Distinct alterations in motor & reward seeking behavior are dependent on the gestational age of exposure to LPS-induced maternal immune activation. Brain Behav Immun. 2017 Jul;63:21-34.

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