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Supervisor Database
Full NameProfessor Stuart McIntosh
Patrick G Johnston Centre for Cancer Research
Queen's University Belfast
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- genetics, genomics and molecular biology
- cancer/oncology
- Surgery
- Pathology
- Oncology
My group's work is focused on the development and validation of biomarkers to stratify the pre-surgical and surgical management of women with breast cancer, and to aid in the management of women at high-risk of developing breast cancer. Together with the DNA Damage Repair Group within CCRCB we are working to improve our understanding of tumour initiating events in BRCA mutation carriers, both in the laboratory setting using translational samples obtained from surgery, and in the context of a proof-of-concept clinical study. Other ongoing projects include working to understand the mechanisms that predispose some women to the development of bilateral breast cancers - either metachronous or synchronous. We have established collaborations with the
More information about the Centre for Cancer Research and Cell Biology at QUB can be found here: