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Full NameProfessor Douglas Veale

University College Dublin

Email Address:Email hidden; Javascript is required.

Research Fields
  • Other
Other Research Fields:

Arthritis and Rheumatic Disease

Postgrad Medical Specialties
  • Medicine
Medical Subspecialties
  • Rheumatology
My Work

UCD Centre for Arthritis is a EULAR Centre of Research Excellence, in which we have developed a research focus on inflammatory rheumatic disease, namely arthritis. We work closely with our patients, scientists and clinical staff to provide a multidisciplinary approach to translational research to examine the pathogenic mechanisms involved in disease initiation, progression and outcome. In a systematic clinical programme, based in the UCD CRC, clinical and demographic data is collected and stored securely. In addition, we use routine and experimental biomarkers to stratify patients at disease presentation into disease pathotypes. We collect biosamples including blood, urine, synovial fluid and tissue to obtain cells, DNA, RNA and protein from all relevant compartments. The main aims are to i). identify novel biomarkers of diagnosis and prognosis; ii). discover predictors of therapeutic response; iii). identify novel molecular pathways involved in rheumatic diseases; and v). to develop new therapies.

In the laboratory we use several arthritis models using human tissue from patient with inflammatory arthritis: in-situ, in-vitro and ex-vivo in addition, we have a strong clinical research programme and we have developed some novel in-vivo models also.

The specific research themes are: (i) synovial tissue inflammation; (ii) angiogenesis and invasion of inflammatory cells; (iii) cytokine biology and signalling. We have developed the capability of high-throughput 'omic' analysis in conjunction with computational systems biology to fulfil our stated aims, as above. Finally, as a translational centre we have developed a strong track record in proof of concept clinical trials and we have excellent collaborations with the biopharma industry to study novel therapeutics.