Supervisor Database Search

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Full NameProfessor Michael Turner

UCD Centre for Human Reproduction

University College Dublin

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Research Fields
  • Other
Other Research Fields:

Modifiable pregnancy risk factors including maternal obesity, gestational diabetes mellitus, aberrant fetal growth, inadequate maternal diet, folic acid supplementation, cigarette smoking, infection and exercise

Postgrad Medical Specialties
  • Obstetrics and Gynaecology
My Work

Dr Niamh Daly, PhD: randomised controlled trial to examine a personally supervised intensive exercise intervention for the improvement of maternal glycaemic control in obese women during pregnancy.

Ms Laura Mullaney, PhD: maternal weight & body composition trajectories during AND after pregnancy.

Dr Maria Farren: randomised control trial evaluating the use of a pseudovitamin in the prevention of GDM.

Dr Georsan Caruth, MD: use of a customised Smartapp for women after the delivery of their baby, designed to modify lifestyle behaviour & improve weight management.

Dr Aoife McKeating, PhD: examine peri-conceptual folic acid supplementation in obese women.

Dr Patrick Maguire, MD: evaluating the IMEWS and the customisation of a standardised national Sepsis Six box for the early diagnosis and treatment of maternal infection.

Ms Rachel Kennedy, PhD: evaluation of a customised Smartapp for the management of maternal diet and GDM.

Ms Ciara Reynolds, PhD: evaluate a Smartapp in a randomised control trial to evaluate its effectiveness in smoking cessation in pregnant women.

Ms Shona Cawley, PhD: observational study examining dietary and peri-conceptional folic acid intake in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Dr Amy O'Higgins, MD: longitudinal observational study on gestational weight gain in women booking for antenatal care at the hospital.

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