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Full NameA/prof Bridget Freyne

Faculty of Paediatrics, School of Medicine

University College Dublin

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Profile Photo
Research Fields
  • infectious disease and the immune system
  • epidemiology/population health research
  • global health/inclusion health
  • clinical trials
Postgrad Medical Specialties
  • Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  • Paediatrics
  • Public Health
Medical Subspecialties
  • Clinical Trials
  • Infectious diseases
  • Neonatology
My Work

My area of research is Global Child Health. I have predominantly focused on the prevention of mother to child transmission of infections (Syphilis, HIV, CMV, STI) and on the diagnosis and management of congenital infections. I am interested in utilising multi-disciplinary research methods and collaborations to answer questions related to prevention, diagnosis and management of neonatal and childhood infections in low-income settings and crucially how this knowledge can be translated for use in high income settings also (reverse innovation). I am involved in the development of paediatric clinical trial capacity in Ireland. I work with teams of clinicians, epidemiologists, statisticians, social scientists and health economists in the UK, Malawi, South Africa, Australia, Thailand and Indonesia and enjoy close collaboration with teams in Trinity College Dublin and RCSI. Some recent examples of our work can be found here:

Potential Projects

Potential research topics/projects:
1. The implementation of midwife led algorithms for the staging of maternal syphilis in Malawi.
2. Evaluating the implementation of a minimum dataset for the surveillance of congenital syphilis in Malawi.
3. Exploring the use of novel rapid POCTs and POC PCR for the detection and management of gestational and congenital syphils in low income settings.
4. Exploring blood based biomarkers to develop novel diagnostics for congenital syphilis.
5. Prospective cohort of infants with congenital CMV in Ireland.
6. Prospective cohort of HIV exposed uninfected and breastfed infants in Ireland.
7. Phase 3 clinical trial of fully oral antibiotic therapy for uncomplicated paediatric osteomyelitis.
These are a selection of current projects but there is ample opportunity to develop research questions related to diverse paediatric infectious diseases in collaboration with colleagues and co-supervisors at Children's Health Ireland.

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