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Full NameDr Suzanne Timmons

Centre for Gerontology and Rehabilitation

University College Cork

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Research Fields
  • neuroscience and mental health
  • clinical trials
  • Other
Other Research Fields:

Health Service Research, Complex interventions, Models of care, Parkinson's Disease, Neurodegeneration

Postgrad Medical Specialties
  • Medicine
  • Psychiatry
  • Emergency Medicine
  • General Practice
  • Sports and Exercise Medicine
Medical Subspecialties
  • Community Medicine
  • Dementia
  • Geriatric Medicine
  • Hospice and palliative medicine
  • Pharmacology
My Work

The research of the Centre for Gerontology and Rehabilitation is focused on neurodegenerative diseases, particularly dementia and Parkinson's disease (PD).

In dementia, a strong focus is health service research to improve dementia and delirium care in hospitals. Dr Timmons was co-lead for the Irish National Audit of Dementia (INAD) and the Northern Ireland Audit of Dementia (NIAD) (see

Other notable projects include:
The 'Cork Delirium Studies' (e.g.;;;;

the 'Cork Dementia Study' (

and the 'Cork Integrated Dementia care Across Settings (Cork-IDEAS)' project.

We also are leading research into appropriate anti-psychotic prescribing, especially in long-term care settings: (;, and dementia palliative care: (

In PD, we are just completing a large project exploring palliative care needs, including national guidelines (, and we are leading research into peripheral biomarkers of cell signalling abnormalities in PD (, as well as collaborating in PD gut microbiota studies.

We also are involved in several clinical trials, including the prevention of functional decline in hospitalised older people (APEP study), nutraceuticals to improve cognition, and food supplementation for frail older people in long-term care.
See also our social housing report (, led by Dr Siobhan Fox, Postdoctoral researcher.

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