Supervisor Database Search

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The ICAT Supervisor list is reviewed annually by the partner universities and updated online in March/April each year.

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Terms of reference/guide to supervising ICAT Fellows.

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Supervisor Database

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Full NameDr Liam Fanning


University College Cork

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Research Fields
  • Other
Other Research Fields:

Host-virus engagement in the gut

Postgrad Medical Specialties
  • Medicine
Medical Subspecialties
  • Gastroenterology
  • Infectious diseases
My Work

The activation of the host immune system following host penetration and invasion by a virus initiates a conflict that results in either viral clearance or viral persistence. Many of the correlates associated with viral evolution in the context of clearance or persistence are not fully elucidated. Our research is aimed at advancing our understanding of the molecular diversity of these viruses and how this impacts on disease outcome. Bacterial viruses impact on the microbiome diversity and this diversity changes between health and disease states. The predator prey relationship within the gut is modified by the immune system. However, there is considerable paucity of knowledge on how the immune system engages with these bacterial viruses and the impact this has on health and inflammatory disease states.

The research group currently explores these aspects of immunovirology in Hepatitis C infection and the immunovirology of the gut-microbiome and bacteriophage. The research group is located within the Department of Medicine, and the Alimentary Pharmabiotic Microbiome Institute, University College Cork, Ireland.

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