Supervisor Database Search

Guidance for ICAT Supervisors

The ICAT Supervisor list is reviewed annually by the partner universities and updated online in March/April each year.

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Terms of reference/guide to supervising ICAT Fellows.

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Full NameDr Sharee Basdeo

Clinical Medicine

Trinity College Dublin

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Research Fields
  • infectious disease and the immune system
Postgrad Medical Specialties
  • Medicine
  • General Practice
  • Paediatrics
  • Pathology
  • Public Health
Medical Subspecialties
  • Infectious diseases
  • Immunology
  • Respiratory Medicine
My Work

Since beginning my independent research team in 2020, my focus has been on the ability of the innate immune system to undergo reprogramming post stimulation which changes innate immune function and outcomes to a subsequent challenge (trained immunity). I am interested in how trained immunity impacts T cell responses and structural cells in the lung, and how it may be involved in mediating pathology as well as protection, depending on the context. This innate-adaptive interface and the nuances in a reprogrammable, plastic innate immune response elicits an opportunity to identify tractable pathways for host-directed therapies for people with infectious diseases. In addition, understanding this reprogramming and its functional and downstream effects on adaptive immunity are also going to be strategically informative for autoimmunity and autoinflammatory diseases that have long-standing associations with infections but with mostly unknown aetiology. We have recently published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation showing that adenoviral vectored vaccines induce trained immunity in humans In addition, we have recently demonstrated that the metabolic function of human macrophages is distinct in adults and neonates, suggesting that targeted host directed therapies are needed to support vulnerable populations, such as infants, against infection.

Potential Projects

I work closely with each PhD candidate to develop a project that is aligned with my scientific interest and their clinical career. I will design the project bespoke to the ICAT fellow and we will develop it together. Our work is hypothesis-driven, based on clinical observation and strong scientific rationale and will be achievable within the timeframe. My team and I will train and empower the student to carry out rigorous scientific research. I will design experiments and work closely with the student to enable them to become increasingly independent and develop their own ideas into the future. I have a strong track record in mentoring and supporting the development of medical professionals into clinical scientists.

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