Supervisor Database Search

Guidance for ICAT Supervisors

The ICAT Supervisor list is reviewed annually by the partner universities and updated online in March/April each year.

You can read about the ICAT supervisor selection process and eligibility criteria below:

Terms of reference/guide to supervising ICAT Fellows.

You can read the terms of reference for supervisors actively supervising ICAT Fellows below:

Supervisor Database

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Full NameDr David Clarke

University College Cork

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Research Fields
  • infectious disease and the immune system
Postgrad Medical Specialties
  • Medicine
  • Pathology
Medical Subspecialties
  • Gastroenterology
  • Infectious diseases
  • Immunology
My Work

My lab is interested in unraveling the molecular mechanisms that underpin bacteria-host interactions. One of our research interests focuses on understanding the genetic requirements for the formation of a healthy gut microbiome. To this end we are using 2 important Gram-negative, commensal (i.e. beneficial) bacteria that colonise the human gut as model systems; Escherichia coli and Bacteroides thetaiotamicron.

Using a number of recently developed molecular-based approaches (based on next-generation sequencing and high-resolution transposon mutagenesis) we are currently undertaking global screens to identify factors that are important for the establishment of these bacteria in the mammalian gut. It is hoped that these studies will provide a comprehensive genetic framework to facilitate a rationale-based approach towards the development of gut-targeted biotherapeutics that will support improved human health.

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