ICAT Fellow activities (October 2019)

  • Peter Barrett (Cohort 1, picture c) was awarded the RCPI Williams Stokes Award for his PhD research into the long-term risk of maternal renal disease following preterm delivery and was awarded the RCPI Dorothy Stopford Price Medal for his submission “A national measles outbreak in Ireland linked to a single imported case” – the first time a trainee has won two awards! The William Stokes Award recognises research of the highest standards carried out by Trainees in Higher Specialist Training and the winner receives an educational grant worth €4,000. The Dorothy Stopford Price Medal was introduced in 2018 to recognise excellence in research or audit on vaccination, immunisation or control of infectious diseases and its potential impact on public health and carries an educational grant worth €1,000.
  • Brendan Kelly (Cohort 2) was awarded a European Radiology Review Fellowship 2019 by the European Society of Radiology. The fellowship awards include training as a reviewer, working with the Editor-in-Chief and recipients may remain as permanent reviewers for the journal. Brendan was invited to attend the European Congress of Radiology 2019 in Vienna as one of the ten international recipients of the award.
  • Helen Fogarty (Cohort 2, picture e, holding certificate), took part in the RCSI Student Innovation Challenge 2019 as a Challenge Leader. Helen guided her team as they worked on addressing a global health challenge (‘Sickle Cell Disease Medication Compliance’) over six weeks before pitching their ideas to a judging panel.
  • Peter Barrett (Cohort 1) won the Society for Social Medicine / International Epidemiology Association Early Career Research Award in September 2019.
  • Sarah Cormican (Cohort 1, picture b) presented a poster at the Irish Society of Immunology in September entitled “Intermediate and HLA-DRhiIntermediate Monocytes are Increased in Individuals with Chronic Kidney Disease Compared to Age-Matched Controls undergoing Coronary Angiography”.
  • Liam Townsend (Cohort 1, picture g) participated in a panel discussion at the Medical Careers Day in Dublin, October 2019, representing ICAT and RCPI.
  • Helen Fogarty (Cohort 2, picture a) presented her PhD research at the VTE Dublin 2019 (Diagnostic and therapeutic advances in venous thromboembolism (VTE) conference.
  • Delia Bogdanet (Cohort 1, picture h), presented her research in a scientific poster (‘Follow up at one year and beyond of women with gestational diabetes treated with insulin and/or oral hypoglycaemic agents: a core outcome set (COS) using a Delphi survey’) at the Annual DPSG Meeting 2019 and was awarded the Young Investigator Travel Fellowship Award.
  • Peter Barrett (Cohort 1), gave two invited talks on the topic of adverse pregnancy outcomes and the long-term risk of maternal renal disease, at the Institute of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Annual Study Day (picture f) and the Gynaecology Visiting Society of UK & Ireland in October.
  • Jennifer Scott (Cohort 2) gave an oral presentation on a complex case presentation, ‘Double trouble’, at the EUVAS meeting in Cambridge in September 2019.
  • Liam Townsend presented his PhD research in a scientific poster titled ‘Distinct Immune Populations and the Frailty Phenotype in People Living with HIV’ at the Irish Society of Immunology Annual Meeting 2019.
  • Graeme Greenfield (Cohort 3) received a European School of Haematology (ESH) Scholarship Fund to attend the ESH 5th International Conference on Acute Myeloid Leukaemia, Estoril Portugal, October 2019.
  • Mark Gurney (Cohort 2), presented a poster titled ‘Asymptomatic Bacteriuria Preceding Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation – Prevalence and Implications’ at the Haematology Association of Ireland Meeting in Galway, October 2019.
  • Brendan Kelly (Cohort 2), was awarded a travel grant to attend the Introduction to Research for International Young Academics Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) four-day workshop. The international event focuses on careers in academic radiology and is held as part of the RSNA Annual meeting.
  • Jennifer Scott (Cohort 2) gave an oral presentation focusing on her PhD research at the annual vasculitis Ireland Awareness (VIA) patient conference in Newcastle in October 2019.
  • Delia Bogdanet (Cohort 1, picture d) was awarded a prize for Best Research at the Galway University Hospital Research Day, for her poster presentation.
  • Graeme Greenfield (Cohort 3) presented a poster (Platelet use in Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation – A retrospective audit of practice allowing real world comparison to the TOPPS Trial) at the Haematology Association of Ireland Conference 2019.
  • Mark Gurney (Cohort 2) co-authored an article with Dr Amjad Hayat on Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia in the 2019 Blood Health Campaign, circulated with the Irish Independent, September 2019.
  • Sarah Cormican (Cohort 1) gave a talk at the NUI Galway Postgraduate Research Day entitled “CX3CR1 and CD162 Expression by Monocyte Subpopulations is Increased in Chronic Kidney Disease”.
  • Mark Gurney (Cohort 2), presented a poster titled ‘Arresting Resistance: Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms in Autologous Stem Cell Transplant Recipients at an Irish Tertiary Referral Centre’ at the Society of Haematologic Oncology Meeting, Houston, Texas, September 2019.
  • Delia Bogdanet (Cohort 1) presented her PhD research ‘GCD59 as an early biomarker for GDM’ at the Irish Endocrine Society 43rd Annual Meeting in Galway, October 2019.
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